'The Tiger Rising' is a story of a 12 year old boy named Rob. Rob lost his mother and lived with his father in 'Kentucky Star' motel, Florida. Rob felt sad when he thought of his mother, but didn't let his emotions show. Rob was bullied a lot but kept all his feelings in an imaginary suitcase. When he saw a tiger in a cage in the woods, he used the thought of the tiger to close the suitcase. The day Rob saw the tiger, he met Sistine, a girl with an angry temper. When Rob showed Sistine the tiger, She insisted to let it go. Rob was helping his father with the motel works when Beauchamp, the owner of the motel and the tiger, gave Rob the job to feed the tiger and the keys for the cage. With the keys, Rob and Sistine freed the tiger. However, Rob's father shot the tiger as soon as it ran off. Rob got angry and opened his imaginary suitcase. He said every thing that he had kept to himself. He felt free and much lighter. The story finishes with Rob and Sistine having a funeral for the tiger and going to school.
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